Thursday, February 18, 2010

Whitney reading update

Forced reading. (That's an oxymoron, by the way.)

Greetings! I am coming to you live from where I work, a.k.a the only other place I'll be going until I finish my self-imposed Whitney reading. It sounds like torture, doesn't it?


Can I just say how nice it is to actually have a reason to look forward to February now? It's always been my least favorite month, but as of recently, there's been a silver lining. Now it comes complete with permission to gorge myself on books I've been meaning to read but haven't managed to fit into my schedule yet. It's like a shiny present; infinitely better than a box of Valentine's Day chocolates.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to vote in all the categories, but there might be one teeny, tiny snag.

I'm significantly behind. Last year I had a much bigger head start when the list of nominees came out. Still, I'm going to make a SERIOUS effort. I'd love to vote for Best Book of the Year, but that means I'd have to finish all thirty books before April 3rd. It's a worthy goal, but perhaps not a very realistic one.

So, I thought I'd give you the occasional report on how it's going... as long as you promise not to laugh too hard if I fall short. Plus, it's an excuse to blog!

Here goes...

Current tally: eight books read. (And yes, that includes mine.)

Comments? Encouragement? Raucous laughter?


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

A worthy endeavor indeed! Here to cheer you on!

Sarah M Eden said...

You are a better woman than I, Aubrey Mace. I set the not-remotely-lofty goal of finishing all 5 in the romance category. Yup. That's it. And I'm halfway done.
Maybe next year I'll have a head start and won't have to set my sights so darn low.
(Good luck, my friend!)

Elizabeth Morgan said...

It sounds like a fun adventure. One that my mom would never let me do no matter how much I like to read.

Mary Gray said...

I'm so impressed. I *love* your goal.

Rebecca Irvine said...

A big challenge, but extremely worthy. I wish I had the time to read along with you. But my kids prefer it if I actually act like a parent occasionally.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Did my sister get a hold of you? She has some to give you. Also, I think I have a few around here but I'm so scatterbrained lately that I can't focus enough to sit down and figure out exactly which ones are nominated so I can stick them in the mail. By tomorrow I will, I promise!

Unknown said...

Good luck with all of your reading! I hope you get through them all :)

bianca_riot said...

Looks like you have some fun reading to do. Goodluck =)

EVA SB said...

I;m not sure whether I pity or envy you :0) I have always wonder what it would be like to read through one of the prizes nominations list.

Good Luck!

Julianne said...

You know... that box of valentine chocolate could help you stay awake long enough to get through all 30 books by April... that's less than one book a day!! You go girl!!

Nishant said...

A worthy endeavor indeed!
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